Alzheimer's disease, a disorder resulting neurodeneratif intellectual decline and also a variety of neuropsychiatric behavioral disorders. The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease increases exponentially in older than 1% at age 65 to about 40% -50% at age 95 years. Both men and women are susceptible to this disease, although women are at slightly higher risk. Neuropsychological changes that are seen in patients with this disease include impaired short-and long-term memory, deficits in arithmetic, praxis, abstraction and judgement. Neuropsychiatric disorders include personality changes, mood disorders, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and changes in sexual function. Changes in Alzheimer's is a multifactorial disease that can be caused by genetic factors, as well as risk factors such as hypertension and inflammatory reactions diabetes. Those factor is also a major contributing factor in the pathogenesis of the disease. Inflammatory reaction initiated from the invasion of pathogens that activate microglia cells and astrocytes in the brain to secrete neurotoxins and cytokines. Secretions-discharge will cause the deposit arniloid. In the brain cells that triggers neuronal degeneration and cell death. Cells that undergo death will trigger an inflammatory reaction in the area arniloid and neuritic plaque formation. This will further lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is divided into three stages, based on the severity of intellectual deterioration, namely:
The first stage, is the stage amnesia. At this stage there in a prominent amnesia lasts for 2 to 4 years. Short-term memory disturbances. Patients may often repeated question: "What's the date today? '. They may also no longer able to remember phone numbers, when dialed numbers being forgotten again.
The second stage is the stage confused. At this stage is characterized by a decline konsisi involving many aspects of the progressive noble function. Patients easily become confused and may exhibit psychotic episodes and behaviorial problems such as aggressive and want to release. Defisit memory can be so severe that patients are not able to complete one activity to end. Patients can one recognize family members. Stage 2 can be last for 2 to 10 years.
The third stage is the final stage. After 6 to 12 years of illness, intellect and memory berdeteriorasi continued, until the patient becomes akinetic and silent. He became dependent on others, the basic things, the basic necessities of life. Hygiene and nutritional needs are not considered again. Death occurs by non-specific causes, such as pneumonia or sepsis.
One of the principles of treatment are to slow the deterioration of Alzheimer's disease. And existing solutions is to provide anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). But recently it is known that drugs such toksitisasnya quite heavy.
Another alternative in preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's) is one of them by regularly consume green tea. Green tea is derived from natural ingredients are safer than drugs made from chemicals. Based on the Chinese Medical Journal, contained in green tea Epigalocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG), which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliteratiff, and allergy. Moreover the compound EGCG in green tea prevents cancer has the ability to and has the ability inhibitor for HIV.
Prolifenol as useful activity antioxidants to prevent free radicals, may reduce cell damage and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, many other health benefits that can be felt as help burn fat, prevent heart disease, help lower blood pressure, help reduce diabetes, prevent food poisoning, prevent bad breath, protect from hepatitis, and improve immunity.
Hi, here I have some good information for you and your family to like to take look closer. I wish all have been searched by you so far :
The truth with Dementia
Memory booster
Dementia/Alzheimer disease
The Alzheimer recovering breakthrough
Hi, here I have some good information for you and your family to like to take look closer. I wish all have been searched by you so far :
The truth with Dementia
Memory booster
Dementia/Alzheimer disease
The Alzheimer recovering breakthrough
So it is recommended to consume green tea on a regular basis from now on. It is better to prevent than to cure it?
Source: Chinese medical journal
thank's Tai, I appreciated your expertise comment