No matter how one regards the redoubtable Internal Security Act 1960 ( ISA), it is a weighty piece of legislation. Preciselly because it can impinge so much on an indivual's life, any policy change pertaining to it must also impinge on the interest and imagination of Malaysian society. Any law must be reformable with the times. That is necessary to keep the letter of the law compatibel with its spirit, and to maintain the law as an instrument of justice. Eventhe ISA's greatest defenders now agree to change. Debate continues only on how far to liberalise it, or to abolish it altogether. The latter consideration has a special relevance after half a century. A point of consideration is that enough laws already exist to overlap one another in keeping the nation secure. Another point is that the ISA is often invoked politically for partisan reasons. Yet another is that it does not allow for judicial review, even in cases of error, impetuousness, vengerfulness or abuse. No less impirtant is that the ISA is often applied as blanket legislation when doubt or insufficient grounds exist for hounding a suspect. That is when application of the law can dangerously deviate from the administration of justice. These and other contentions surrounding the ISA are reasons for the HOme MInstry to consult the widest possible channels among various sectors before reforming the law instead of abolishing it. 
All laws are of public interst  and perhaps none more so than the ISA. Now that ministry has decided to table and debate  the amandements to the ISA in Parliament. There is still time to seek more consultations than the six already undertaken with public interest groups.
We are still surprised that none of those groups inclluded the National Union of Jounalist, which represents media practioners who may  in the course of theri duties of disseminating information inadvertently brush up againts the ISA. The nect three months must see more concerted effort at meaningful and productive discussions. The goverment must not be seeen as rushing through major legislation withaout sufficient consultation, nor should public interest groups seem apathetic to the need of the moment.  

Merger company

Each year trillions of dollars worth of merger and acquisitions take place world wide . Apart from keeping a small army of investment bankers and lawyers busy, these mergers can also generate significant cost savings for the businesses involved. These can incluce such things , are the elimination fo duplicated operations to take advantage of economies fo scale, the integration of complementary distribution systems, the ability to bargein more effectively with suppliers due to increased order sizes, and soon.  However,  the fact that cost savings are possible doesnot mean they will be realized, and even if they are, it is a different matter whether  consumers will benefit. 
Merger announcements  often come with impressive sounding costs savings. This can help convince shareholders that the merger is good for the bottom line. About the decade later, after the much publiciseda falure of the two businesses to successfully integrate theri operations, they seperated. Differences in corporate culture, ego clashes and elusive cost saving are among the many reason such merger can fail.  The announcements of impressiiv cost savings may also be used by businesses   to try to convince the public authorities to approve their mergers.  Usually,when two major competitors in a relatively concentrated industry announce such  plans, their merger, will be investigated by the relevant competition authority.  
They are two main ways in which businesses may exagerate cost savings to justify mergers that are actually bad for consumers.
1.  To promote a merger to shareholders   which sounds good but may just be mepirebuilding, neither good for shareholders not for consumers but possibly food for the senior managements.  

2. To try to get a mergers approved by the competition authorities which is actually good for the shareholders but bad for consumers since it results mainly in reduced competition. 

Here are some good things to look and to do in merging practices. The better you should understand the manner first and pick that the right for you, check this  out and pick as useable as you need :

Some mergers where the claimed cost saving and other synergie are genuine and significant.  The merger of Disney and Pixar comes to mind.  Arguably, the majority of mergers belong to this last category, in part due to the role the competitions authorities play in investigating potentially anti-competitive mergers and scrutinising claims of cost savings.  This has avoaded too many mergers falling into the first  two categories or indeed such mergers even being proposed in the first place. Consumers may not always from mergers, but the odds that they do are improved.

source  : Juliant Wrigth ( associate professor in the department of economics, National University of Singapore.

Playing with your baby

What does baby like most to play? Of course, presence of you the mother. Having fun all day taking bath, changing clothes, or sitting with him, babies migth learn more about him self and around. Lets, try your babies do some simple practices to day.

The playing fun with babies should be simple and suits the conditions and moods. It is important while playing together, encourage baby to talk. Allow your baby learns many things and gives him appreciaations by applause, smille, hugs and kissing. Below are some games helping babies learn and grow . It will create beauty and fun experience both of you.

The baby is 0 - 2 months ages.
The new infant seldom has blurr vision.  Two simpel games below will help him stimulates sigth vocused capability.
Colored things
Holds the brigth colored things such as  red, yellow and orange. Get closer to his eyes  about 20 cms to face distance.  Lets it is steady for several moments. The infant will react when he is able to vocused and showing his interest by staring and a strain. Then, moves the subject to another side slowly at the same range. Take alook, his eyes is following the subject moving. Practice it repeatedly.
Quess who...?
Infant loves to watch and pay close to subject surround. But what baby most interested  is watching faces. How happy he is when starring himself at mirror. Allow the baby close to the mirror and watch his expressions. He admires shadow without aware it is him. Let him to speak with, "quess who is that..?." Or " who is that beauty..?." Baby like to routine practices so it will be loved him too.
The baby is 3 - 4 months ages
Baby is able to hold up his head and using his two hand sustain. Because he is not able to hold himself he just grab. Even baby tries to hit or reach something interesting to him. 
Rainbow tapes :
Sew several different bright colored cloth at least 15 cm length. Spin the cloths frequently in front of him. He tries to grab and reach it. "Up..!." And hikes the cloth. "Down..." Decreased  the cloth. He is able to grab and pull over the ribbon. 

The baby is 5 - 6 months ages
The infant is able to hold things and sitting. The practices below help him to sit.
Balls :
If you have big plastik balls, use to play with him. Pinch ball at your legs, sits the baby on it and hold his waist gently. Blow it up and down. When his agile is increasing, rolls over the ball to him and make him to rolls back over to you.
Singing :
Thought your voice is not  as gentle as Mariah Carey, do not embarrased to sing for him. He prefers to listen his mother. Because your voice makes him comfortable and appeas.

The baby is 7 - 12 months ages.
Get in the kitchen:
Here, let the kid gaming. Your little child loves to play sounds. You could make the instrument yourself. Make them to play it and singing.
Climbs pillow :
The time when your child is trying to walk, to roll, and to crawl creates a pillig of bolster and pillow games. Give him lesson how to hike it by crawling savely. 
Hide and seek :
Find the place to game. Choose the place is affordable. When he could find you give him big hugs and kisses.

Many things you could do to gain smile baby everyday, but you need techniques and practices. You can check and pick bellow some methodes of making good to your baby :

1.  Baby bump


A man came to me, He is my friend. This year, he is now stepping at 23 years of age, his live is going no where, bland. Then he speaks out his time adolescent years at elementary schools. He would like to join music extra school but parents insisted to take part in laboratory activities. Since then he felt loosening self volitions. He kept his story his parents hired private teacher at home although he got B at school. By his help private teacher. He could do all home works. And he though that without open the books regularly he would be get help to higher level. His thinking was alive during junior high school and senior high school. The bigger parents interfered causes he laid down all his live to other people decisions. Now, he has been a year working at a big company. He was the same as last year. He waited command and people instructions to work to. His carrier clogged. People around marked him as snail pace. What could he do to turn over his live back on good track?

We take a look at his grievances above. Our friend get problem. We should help him. What he has, could happen to another people. Let's we try to make solutions to him and people who has the same parents as him.
He should apply Solution Focused Therapy (S.F.T) it is a sequence of centered searching solutions activities.

1. Psychological check results shows proper interest directions and sufficient intellectual potency allows to his task works.

2. He should take part in rising internal physics energy therapy to stimulate good job together the therapist.

3. He carries out self monitoring behaviour and recording dawdle passions raising.

4. Measures his dawdle scale score 1 - 10 range.


Scale 9th: He should decrease dawdle level to 4th and upon his decisions he must be examined his real actions pace.

This task aims stimulation dawdle decreasing directions using himself monitoring activities for weeks time at home and working place.

5. Further counseling therapist is needed to stimulate psychological energy of him to find his interesting hobbies and insight visions on what social achievement would be reached in the near future.

Slow but sure his living passions and self satisfactions is increasing day by day by arising of decreasing dawdle based on strong intentions. The succeed of the treatment is depended on the subject. May this is an intelligent and intelligent ways is not along with effective results. And he should support himself to overcome his own problems.

Find several good ideas offered here. These are practicioners, scienties, and trusted experties.

1,  How to study less learn more

2.  How to score better- Secrets of studying

3.  Student plus

4.  Study skills reloaded

5.  Speed reading text book secrets

6.  The lazy study Guide

7.  Study smart Not hard

8.  Roadmap to genius

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