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Pegasus (equine origin)

Pegasus, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Horse ancestors who first fell to earth is "descent" afterlife horse Pegasus. Thus storyteller version of Greek mythology. Pegasus was a winged horse that was born the son of Poseidon from Medusa. Poseidon is the god of the sea and storms, being the queen Medusa the snake-haired monster head. Winged horses they fly the marriage chamber space and captured by Athena, goddess of wisdom born from the forehead of Zeus; god sun god concurrently Chairman of the Board. This goddess tame the flying horse with a bridle of gold. Among the gods there is also a gold mine. When the nine children of Zeus, goddess Muses, singing party held at Mount Helicon, rivers join the choir, until the mountain was so light and the sky grew up menuyundul. Poseidon panicked. He ordered Pegasus to hold the mountain by foot stamping. Pegasus successful, so from the former appears injakannya Hippocrene spring. The water inspired the poet to write poetry.On one night, Athens presented to Bellorophon Pegasus, a human prince is not a god, to destroy Chimera; lion-headed monster. After successfully killing the Chimera, Bellorophon become arrogant and unwilling to promote him to be a god himself. Pegasus did not like the cocky, arrogant prince and threw it to the ground and died. For the sake of justice, punishing Zeus Pegasus with mengorbitkannya as constellations forever. You can still see it in the northern hemisphere autumn sky until now.Creatures all continentsVersion of the palaeontologists, the first horse down to earth is the origin of the word Eohippus ancient horse Epoch (kala) Eocene (Tertiary age period), Era (Cenozoic era). Approximately 55 million years ago. Not mentioned in history, where it came from this Eohippus. Suddenly he was there in the face of the earth. It's narrated by the remnants of a fossilized in Wyoming and Utah, North America. Eohippus just for dogs whose height is 38 cm. His legs were still four fingers. From the first landing place in America, they spread to the north along the west coast, then inland to Siberia through the isthmus that is now the Bering Sea digenagi water that once was dry. From here they spread to Mongolia.
Pegasus, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
During the deployment of millions of years later, they evolved into Mesohippus in the Oligocene period (35 million years ago). Besaru Mesohippus over her body, roughly sebesaru gray hound racing dogs half a meter in height. His toes stayed three. Millions of years later "middle horse" is growing bigger to Merychippus in the late Miocene, approximately 26 million years ago. Merychipus height of 1 m, two toes and hang shrinking margins, not touching the ground. Only the fingers are still able to tread the middle ground. New in the Pleistocene, about 1 million years ago, two toes marginal shrinkage mengantung it at all. Staying middle fingers growing and become "foot" modern horse, Eguus. The high is approaching high horse kia know today, Eguus caballus. Ancient horse that spread to Mongolia that is first thought to lower the first modern horse Eguus przewalskii. This type of horse was found in 1870 in the mountains of Altai, Mongolia by Nikolai M. Przewalskii. The shape is not changed, since his ancestors were painted by the ancient Cro Magnon (European ancestry), on the walls of the Lascaux Cave, South West France, 35 thousand - 8 thousand years before Christ first. He was most similar to the modern horse Eguus caballus. Suddenly the Glacial period, between 1 million years and 8 thousand years ago, ancient horse became extinct in North America and disappeared from the face of the earth. Perhaps shivering with cold. North America does not have the ancient horse again.From the Mongols to the MustangFortunately, from the group who crossed over to Mongolia once it (besides lowering also decreases the Przewalski horse Mongolian horse, caballus Eguus Mongolicus) there are those who moved to the warmer south. This then lowers the Middle East horse, caballus Eguus Orientalist, who would lose Parsi horses and Arabian horses. The Arabian horse there that was brought to Spain when the country was colonized by Muslims from the Middle East. When the Spaniards themselves become invaders in South America, they invaded the Inca Indians of Peru while riding a horse. Peruvians think that the leadership of Francisco Pizarro's cavalry battalions that invaded in 1532 was not an ordinary man, but a kind of centaur creature from outer space. Inca armies only gape, when Spanish soldiers fell hit by an arrow and left to run his horse. Among the horses before it also brought Fernando Cortez to Mexico in 1519, there were abandoned and wild life, spreading to the north. This then lowers the Mustang horses (from Spanish: Mestenyo) that inhabit the desert hunting Winnetou and Geronimo.
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