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Victorinox logo, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Equipment brought one man on his way to the Space Shuttle to the outside taking folding knife is made in Switzerland. Mount Everest climbers and expedition members to the same pole armed with a knife. Similarly, various countries soldiers. Red white trestle folding knife that was not foreign to young nature lovers. Victorinox small knife red rounder. He said, and could be due to the size of a half-inch figure which can have various equipment, such as: knives, scissors, saws, files, bottle opener, screwdriver, magnifying glass, tweezers, pen, until toothpick. Even the so-called army knife survival kit, have many more, including a compass, in its sheath. Imagine if conventional equipment that must be taken. How many kilos should we cooperate? How much space should be devoted to putting a chainsaw? Victorinox knife measuring 5 x 1 cm can only have a knife, scissors, toothpick, tweezers nail edges dankikir dipapas order to function as a screwdriver. Of approximately 100 owned Victorinox designs including the most well-known is the model Champion. Champion has 16 equipment while weighing only 160 grams. The most complete has 19 equipment that has 32 functions. No wonder that the knife was a lot of copies are sold at a cheaper price. Unfortunately, the only way that emulated the toughness of the knife because it is in quality. Victorinox material made of hardened stainless steel, crushed and honed until it reaches the desired size. Tolerance that allowed just 0.02 mm. Assembly was carried out carefully so that the blade easily opened and folded again. To make the necessary Champion 348 action, so eating a long time.

It's beyond expectations is one of the grandson of the founder of Victorinox Knives Factory Indosesia lived in since 1960. He even a citizen of Indonesia named Agatho Elsener. Agatho Elsener his face looked so much like his grandfather. Elsener Agatho a priest who had lived in a dozen years Sanggau, Borneo, before settling in Cisarua, West Java. Agatho priest born in the same house as the cradle of the first Victorinox knife is in Ibach. Current corporate leaders Elsener family is her brother, Carl Elsener III. "Our ancestors had been seeking a hat factory and shop. Later his grandfather Karl Elsener learn to make knives in Zug, Switzerland. Karl even went to Paris and Tuttlangen in Germany to work making razor and surgical tools. Upon returning to Switzerland he opened a workshop themselves in Tabelbach, Ibach. Currently it is dated January 1, 1884. knife was done by hand. machine only to hone run by waterwheels. Karl already know the benefits of advertising, because it's in the papers he introduced himself and privileges in addition to offering services repair and grinding. Victorian mother of Karl, the son sell products in hat shop in town not far from Ibach Schwyz. Currently the shop is on the lower level a large house in Ibach. At the top level there are several apartments, one of which Karl Elsener family residence . Shortly after Karl married and a year later, on July 31, 1886 their first son was born, named Carl.

Karl Elsener developed the business because many people are satisfied with the product are made of material which carefully considered the most good. 1890 Karl Elsener took the initiative to invite his colleagues to form associations draftsman knife makers in Switzerland so that they together can produce knives for the Swiss armed forces. When the Swiss government is still buying knives made in Solingen, Germany. Large contracts from the government led to Karl should increase the capacity of his shop. Karl fun designing models of sophisticated folding knife. There is a folding knife whose blade called a schoolboy, cadet knife, knife blade farmers and officers. Officers blades are lighter and more graceful than the regular army knife. The knife has many uses. If the knife had only had one and a knife-blade on one side only, and now has a two-per-blade knife on the two sides. These are the two basic models of the knife officer. The knife officer versatile consists of 6 sections that success to be replicated everywhere, but do not forget Karl Elsener patent. German who is experienced and has a good name in perpisauan soon flood the market with Karl mimic knife. To face competition Karl improving product quality and usability. Karl saws and scissors add to the folding knife. Began in 1909 Karl menerakan Swiss emblem on the knife-shaped cross in red making it easily recognizable as an officer of Swiss-made knife.

Victoria + Inox
In 1909, his mother, Victori died. In honor of Karl mother chose the name "Victoria" for the company's trademark. It soon became the dominant brand of quality and precision of Swiss-made knife that won many gold and silver medals in international exhibitions.
Victorinox history, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Then was in  World War I. In difficult circumstances, Karl Elsener died. In accordance with his will his eldest son, Carl, and two other sons, namely Hans Alois and continue its operations. At that time Carl II was still a bachelor. Like his father he also learned to make knives out of the country. Three years later he married Elise Gut. Although it had given birth 6 times, Elise worked diligently in their company started the morning until late at night. He did it for the full 62 years. After the war the three brothers Elsener struggled to climb again. Hans chose to move to Bulgaria to manage cement plants uncle while Alois later opened his own workshop in Zug knife so stay with Carl II in Ibach.
In 1921 became known stainless steel. Carl did not waste the new discovery. Sebera knives they wear Inox (stainless steel). Their products are trademarks was wearing Victoria is now the "Victorinox". Agatho Father to four children to Carl II, recalls that since I was in elementary school he had to help his father's business. If it will be going to school he shoved a small stroller to contain a knife from the store in Ibach Schwyz. In the holiday season sometimes he may apprentice in his father's office. Since childhood Agatho and his brother were used to hearing a conversation about business knife at the dinner table, they also carry a pocket knife. "In order not to accidentally stab edges blunted." Agatho said. Workshop they continue to evolve. If it was just below the level occupies an old building in Ibach, now they have set up factories in the vicinity. Their family moved to a better house. Carl II proud to social security that he gave to its employees that durable although they are required to work carefully. Even in the Depression years of 1930 - 1936 employees laid off nobody. Companies encourage employees to save money and establish a fund.

Victorinox , blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Carl II are maintaining the quality of materials and the manufacture of its products. He also brought an innovative spirit among its employees and did not hesitate to spend capital for renewal. In 1931, the government built the first steel hardening shop in the world that is run entirely by electricity in Ibach. Carl II also pleased overseas magazine subscription. From reading he could smell a war coming from Germany. He was ready, inter alia, the basement complete with ventilation and emergency WC. If it can not produce them on the ground, under the ground can be thought. It turns war really broke. Carl II fixed blade factory production so the government is studying their foxholes and encourage other manufacturers to emulate. In times of war they can not export the Swiss army knife but asked for a knife so much more than before. Domestic demand has increased so as factories need to be widened to two times, while the number of employees from 117 people to 199 people. They also make the machines themselves, according to their needs. Agatho brother, namely Carl III and Eduard, began co-manage the company. They still hold the helm until now. After the war they had to enlarge the factory over again. Carl II works day and night to the extent of abandoning oneself. Carl II died in 1950 at the age of 64 years. Tinggalah his wife and two children struggling to renew the production process to meet the growing demand, tackling salary increases and cost, while trying to suppress the price and compete with other plants at home and abroad. Because the world is not a little blade factory. Solingen in Germany and Sheffield in the UK is the center of the blade factory that already have a name for a long time. In the 1969 recession and the fuel crisis in the years 1974 to 1977, they would increase the plant to meet market demand.

Victorinox , blinkforyou.blogspot.com
When Lyndon B. Johnson replaces Fiztgerald John Kennedy as president of the USA, he ordered 4,000 Victorinox pocket knives are given a golden initials for a keepsake for guests at the White House. Reagan and Bush also turned out to carry on this tradition. Victorinox apparently considered beautiful that New Yorks Museum of Modern Art put it in their design collection. In America this knife is very popular, is the GI first use in World War II and after. Not to kill but to save lives. For example to cut branches for kindling a bonfire, or cut clothing is stuck on a plane that is on fire and so on. "I use a Swiss army knife since the age of 16 years," said Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a lady who once dubbed "the world's greatest explorers who are still alive" by the Guinness Book of World Records. He is the only person ever to explore the North Pole and the South Pole.

Victorinox company, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Not feel the blade factory in 1984 to celebrate the 100th anniversary. He was known in 90 countries. His name is hard to remember but the appearance of red white trestle was well known. In America there is even a Swiss army knife fan clubs with more than 826 people from nine countries. Now Victorinox factory requires 1,200 tons of steel for the most flattering changed to 7 million knives a year by modern machinery. Among them there are 650 employees who work only engineers continuously improve quality. No wonder that Britain and Germany were now buying knives from them. Currently in the world there are more than 2,000 plants, but only 6-8 blades greater than Victorinox. In this case pitch Victorinox knife number one. What's the secret to 105 this year remain on top even though many other rivals?
"We never missed maintain product quality by continuously choosing the most appropriate materials and do seseksama possible," said Agatho. Agatho not hesitate to continue the family business. His brother Carl III having 11 children already includes the fourth generation, while the fifth generation are emerging, although still small.

Source: Agatho
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