
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Healing diagnosis through urine smell? This is not talked dirty, but according to traditional Indian healing science of Ayurveda. Suppose you are interested, the doctrine still applied in Bombay.
Once upon a time, three thousand years ago, seven wise men who could not bear to see the suffering man, went to the foot of the Himalayas to the Gods for help. Supreme god, Brahma lowering Ayurveda, instructions live by the rules of cosmic harmony, restoration of health care science body, soul and spirit. By the messenger of the gods, the teachings presented in the physician Dhanvantari, who then pass them on to the seven wise men. That doctrine is now implemented in Podar Hospital, Bombay. To this hospital people come if you want to obtain treatment with dhara therapy. In a narrow space dim, breezy smell wafted herbs. On a bench located on the side of the long blue wall, look ten people were waiting patiently. Whether or relatives are waiting their turn. A female patient lying on the table pollinated care. "The woman was suffering from insomnia," said the chief  doctor Pardhesi to a colleague. The female patient lying with closed eyes, breathing evenly and deeply, and head leaning back. A hospital official overseeing dhara therapy that takes place in a calm atmosphere that concentration. In the midst of the forehead of the patient drip of oil that has been blended herbal mixtures. The liquid drips through a wick that comes from a vessel that hung on the ceiling like a light. Vessel was swinging slowly. More and more Slow this quickly so that the droplet on a regular basis could fall around the forehead, though not always in the same place. Droplets was no flow to the back of the head, to the temple, eventually falling into a bowl fence.
According to dr. Pardhesi, head of the hospital,  "dhara treatments lasted for half an hour each day in a few weeks. Goal is to rid the body of excess vata organ," Vatha, which among other things regulates the activity of the nervous system, consisting of the elements of air and ether. Hospitals that provide free care for those who can not afford it to perform three principles of ayurveda medicine, ie vatha, pitta and kapha. Harmony of these three principles is tantamount to healthy both physically and mentally. Any attempt to redevelop handling three core earlier.

If for example, vata is too strong, it would appear the disease can not sleep, nervous and some other psychiatric illnesses, it should be used vata inhibitor therapy. Its own vata is dry, light, rugged, cold and moving. The oil dripped on the forehead calming vata. Because of the nature of moist droplets, heavy, soft, giving warmth and slow motion. Plants also calming vata. Lie down and meditate also inhibit "motion" vata.

Pitta is too strong
Nearly half of Indian doctors practicing medicine in accordance with the teachings of ayurveda that was
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
3000 years old. Ayurveda doctor called vaidyas, have the same status and rights as their colleagues who obtain a Western education. Not out of respect for the tradition of ayurveda course taught at the university and studied, so much in demand. But many diseases that can not be cured by modern, such as heart disease and allergies, successfully cured with ayurveda. Even psychosomatic illnesses and chronic can be treated, but treatment through the West encountered many difficulties. Pitta influence can be seen in an old man lying in Podar Hospital. With a look of apathy, the old man looked at the ceiling which is fanning winds. As if he did not hear the sound of people walking and undisturbed. Pitta has caused his skin to turn yellow. He suffered from acute hepatitis. The yellow color means the organism pitta too strong, especially in the liver.
According to dr. Antarkaar, fist part Podar Hospital study, for the ancient ayurveda experts, who diagnose through their five senses, pitta among other means heat, acid and red. Thus, inflammation is accompanied by a burning sensation, red color and fever are typical pitta diseases. Including stomach ulcers. The pitta disease patients, often sour and spicy mouth feel. Hepatitis including typical pitta diseases are characterized by inflammation and enlargement of the heart, with feeling of heat, often accompanied by fever and tongue tasted spicy. Dr.. Antarkaar admit, it's hard to understand really what it vata, pitta and kapha. However, he explained earnestly ayurveda, not from the standpoint of the traditional way, but with the help of modern science. "Everything flows. In life there are always changes. Ayurveda is the art of balancing these changes, so that someone happy and healthy life. Time, seasons, weather, food, friendship, hostility, work and sleep, intensive human influence; Ayurveda believes that all flowing from the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. above five names represent, five different kinds of material. "Fire" can be translated from the hot sun, spicy foods and sharp. however, can also view the hostility. Yet all things from outside that affect humans, contain the elements and thus affect the body manusia.Maka of that, ayurveda, taught to recognize the sensitivity of our five senses, so to know, what is good and what is not.

Physicians should be sharp senses
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
A practice room window curtains adorn the dr. Antarkaar arthritis expert. Many patients with back pain and joints that came to him. He pressed it, pressing here, put his ear feeling the pulse, this question-it, and wrote a prescription. Everything was done with a sympathetic and every patient gets his attention. Dr.. Antarkaar somewhat shocked at his seat when asked how to diagnose ayurveda. "Every person has the constitution on his own choir. At the beginning of treatment, an ayurvedic doctor will examine the constitution, for example how to live, how to work, food and drink, whether he is happy or not, and why. Problem is, all of that explains the disease. Afterwards , specific questions regarding the perceived discomfort body. checks done through the five senses physicians, including the nose and the tongue. " Of the pulse alone, the physician who is experienced can tell a lot. Smell and color of urine is also scrutinized. Likewise, the urine crystallize as they dry, while floating or submerged in oil droplets, when fused or scattered on the surface. According to the teachings of ayurveda, urine tests can be diagnosed through 20 form the appearance of a disease called prameha. Prameha according to the new approach is considered diabetes. However, modern diagnostic equipment bukaanya not used. That is why in Podar Hospital is also a tool X-rays, blood and urine laboratory, chemical analysis, biochemical and microscopic. Together with the physician and pharmacologist West graduate, dr. Antarkaar effort to penellitian based on the teachings of ayurveda and western teachings. The result, among others, guggulu drugs for arthritis, as well as treatment with cortisone, even without the side effects. Likewise with hepatitis.

Space purification
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Many of the difficulties confronting the study of traditional therapies. What effectual ingredient contained by a
drug, it is often not clear, resulting in a lack of funds and manpower. Efficacy test costs for some traditional medicines are often more expensive than modern medicine. You see, the medicine could only visible effect under certain conditions, in certain phases. That is why, in the research projects, the efficacy of various treatments such as the rhythmic disturbances, cardiac, gastrointestinal pain, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, malaria and epilepsy remains to be proven. Are included in the basic ayurveda therapy is "cleansing" to strengthen the existing elements and destroy toxins that interfere with the body. The cleaning was done through massage, enema, personal diet, sweating, vomiting, nasal stimulation, yoga exercises and blood circulation. The "cleansing" Hospital "Podar filled steam and smell the herbs. Dr.. Antarkaar and his colleagues entered the dimly lit room. Patients seem drenched in sweat. Disebuah wooden bench, sat an old man trembling. Pieces of leather wrapped head width which serves as a cap. Ditopi open the top, drained the oil that has been mixed with warm nutritious plants to treat Parkinson's illness. From tubs sauna, one standing and one lying down, the head bemunculan. A man in a white sort skinny little boy with a linen cloth bundle containing rice intermittently dipped into a warm nutritious plant extracts. every time it touched the warm bundle, the boy squirm. Massage that lasts one hour per day, aim to treat veins shrink so children avoid of paralysis. Dr.. Antarkaar showed a sheet of paper containing notes the progress achieved in a period of three weeks, the child's thigh circumference had increased from 25 cm to 28 cm.

Efficacy depends on the season
Gas chromatography and lookups, computer monitors, Atomic Absorption spectrometer and a cage full of rats used in laboratory researchers Zandu Ayurvedic pharmacology in Bombay to examine the efficacy of herbs for medicine. Krishna Kant Parikh, president of the pharmaceutical company that studied in Munich, invited around the lab. "We are working to produce ayurvedic medicines with modern standards. However, we encounter many difficulties.'s Hard to give a guarantee that a drug derived from the same plant and contain a mixture of the same quality." Most of nutritious crops difficult to recognize because it is sent only dry leaves. Another difficulty, efficacy is mostly grown-tumbuhanpun vary by season. If the composition of doubt, use research tools. A young woman shows the chromatogram of ultraviolet rays. Special piece of paper that is typical lines to capture the content of a plant, leaving the chart. Plants are shipped chromatograms examined and compared with the standard. On the other table, there is a microscope with a projector. Thus the composition of plants known to exist on paper. However, the work was not completed quickly. Because plants totaling 11000 sorts. Meanwhile, another expert in the company looks busy researching the efficacy and side effects of ayurvedic medicines. In a box that essentially half hot, put rats. This is to test, whether the drugs increase "resilience in the rat to heat". It was recorded by automatic calculating machine. For example, mencatata how often and how long the mice could stand in the hot part. Through the microscope, the rat kidney medicine containing mercury were also examined. Not far from there, a woman taking pasein blood with a syringe. The experiments were conducted to answer the what and how ayurvedic medicine can treat inflamed hands of a child.

Antitoxin cow urine
Ayurveda treatment in a way, not only the use of plants, but also a variety of minerals, including toxic minerals such as mercury and arsenic. When asked about the danger, dr. Bhatt gave testimony, that ayurvedic medicines are not dangerous because it has been through the process of removal of toxins. Such plants containing aconitin alkoloid, one of the most violent poisons, which are rarely used in Western medicine, it is used to treat common cold without side effects. Mengilangkan way aconitin poison plant roots, such as by washing several times with cow urine, then dried in the sun. Pharmacologist in Zandu show ancient Indian method in reducing toxicity. Washed five times the roots so that the poison is gone. Nevertheless the pharmacologist in Zandu know that drugs that meet the standards do not automatically heal. They are still in the stage of maintaining the quality first. However, to determine a suitable crop still to be completed. "In fact, sometimes we do not know whether the plant is used matches or not," said dr. Bhatt. "Even in a recipe, picture of the plant and how to cultivate it often remains unclear." Because most of the ayurvedic recipes, dating from 200-500 AD the golden age of ayurveda. Doctrine of ayurveda disappeared in the 16th century, when it appeared the Islamic rulers who oppose the use of cow dung in the treatment for excrement. As a result, the tradition stopped. Now, the works of ancient medicine studied again. Dr.. Vasudev Shastri Lata, one ayurvedic doctor, busy listening to the teachings. His job is not easy. You see, the text is not in the form of a detailed guidebook, but more in the form of symbols used in Sanskrit which is usually written on the palm leaves. In Zandu and other research institutes in India, more and more run, etnobotanik to prove ayurveda recipes used today. The effort is intended to protect existing tradition that is almost forgotten. With images and curves on a computer screen, with bottle gourd flute and chemical objects, scientists in laboratories and elsewhere Zandu do research. But, certainly, the science of ayurveda is not only healing but also his life. The pharmacologist businesses in India that attract Western pharmaceutical companies. Although when it comes to profit no common ground. Hoechst laboratories in India also managed to make a smooth blood circulation heart and eye medicines forskolin. However, overall, the experiment to prove the active substances of plant active nutritious nutritious plants based on the teachings of ayurveda have not been achieved.

The most influential food
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Prof. Ramesh Kulkarni, a drug homeowners also explained that modern therapy, according to the patient's condition, can bring out a side effect. However, not the case with the theory of ayurvedic medicine. Because ayurveda uses rhythmic, biological. Body composition is closely related to time, season, age, and habits of life. According to the teachings of ayurveda, food is the most influential elements of the balance of body composition and health. Good menu consists of six different flavors: sour, sweet, salty, spicy, bitter and blend all the flavors. Nonetheless, everyone's taste is different. That is why there are places seasoning vessel so that everyone can adjust the taste. Each flavor contains elements typical efficacious. Eg salty taste comes from the ground and fire. That is why, kapha and pitta element aroused. But muffle vata element. According to the teachings of ayurveda, which enter the body makanna any direct effect on the soul. However, ayurvedic doctors, now tenah is a difficult path. If they do not manage to convince the West that the philosophy of ayurveda doctors helped create a picture of the new man, then eventually ayurveda will not be recognized.
Yet according to dr. Bhatt, true health includes physical and spiritual health. "Ayurveda is developed by people who believe in God. So understanding health according to the teachings of ayurveda include trust in God."
Ayurveda, blinkforyou.blogspot.com

Source: Franz Mechsner

Early Symptoms of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia

Early Symptoms of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia, blinkforyou.blogsspot.com
If you are pregnant and determine the signs below,  you should be wary. Because maybe you suffer preeclampsia-eclampsia. But that does not mean these marks ensure you suffer from these disorders:
- Swelling in the feet, fingers and face
- Excessive weight gain (more than 1 kg / week)
- Headache in the forehead area, especially near the crown of
- Experiencing vision problems include:
    * Blurred vision
    * All objects visible double (diplopia)
    * Visual field damage (skatoma)
- Pain in the gut, especially under the arch of the right ribs
- The urine began to decrease
- Foul vaginal bleeding
- It's hard to breathe and fingers bluish
- Blood pressure 140/90 or more
- Urine protein
- Vomiting and nausea.

Preeclampsia & Eclampsia Treatments

Preeclampsia-eclampsia treatments, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Jennifer has been married for 3 years. Jennifer is  succesfully pregnant finally. Since 2 years ago, every time she hopes to be a mother, but not every month hopes into reality. During the months of her first pregnancy , Jennifer did not experience significant interference. As an employee, she has more duty outside the office, it's certainly very favorable circumstances. But entering the seventh month, Jennifer began to feel as healthy as usual. This situation lasted a few days, until one morning when she was looking in the mirror, she could hardly believe that swollen. Legs and his fingers are also swollen. "Maybe you're too tired," consoled her husband. However, because of the swelling was gone as well, although she has been reducing her activity, finally Jennifer decided to visit a gynecologist.
Jennifer turns high blood pressure (140/90). Whereas previously she had never suffered from high blood pressure. Her Docter suspects, Jennifer got preeclampsia. To further convince her diagnosis, Jennifer was asked to check her urine to the laboratory. Seriously,  Jennifer had urine protein (proteinuria).

Babies born erases swollen 

In pregnant women, swelling around the foot is normal. However, if the swelling to the face and the fingers, especially if never previously experienced renal impairment. You must be vigilant. because there is a chance you are suffering from preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy poisoning disease that usually appears in the pregnancy of 20 weeks. Usually characterized by increased blood pressure, swelling throughout the body and the presence of protein in the urine. Once the pregnancy is over, then the disease is gone, too. 
However, not be taken lightly. Maternal and fetal death in utero often caused the disease. Preeclampsia attacks for many people is often occured suddenly . Nevertheles, this is actually not the case. This disease comes gradually, and if handled carefully, progression to a more severe stage can be handled. In medicine there are three stages of preeclampsia disease, namely mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and eclampsia. Jennifer cases classified as mild preeclampsia. When mild preeclampsia is 
not taken seriously, can thrive even become severe preeclampsia. That pregnant women frequently do not realize that mild preeclampsia began to attack her womb. Even sometimes obstetrician was not suspected. The problem arises only slight swelling and increased blood pressure which is also relatively little was not to cause interference. Moreover, at this stage of drawing the urine of pregnant women are sometimes not met protein. This is the danger. Because the next thing, you  knew preeclampsia have 
been more severe stage pad. On severe preeclampsia, blood pressure can be more than 160/110 and 
the swelling. In the examination of urine protein must also be found. Usually at this stage, the mother felt a headache, especially in the area near the crown of the forehead, pain under the right rib arch, It is visual impairment and some are accompanied by vomiting or nausea. If then these symptoms accompanied by seizures and even unconscious, this is a sign you've been on the disease more severe stage again called eclampsia.

The cause is not clear

Preeclampsia-eclampsia treatments, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Until now the exact cause of the disease can not be explained eclampsia. However, there are some things that can always be found in pregnant women who suffer from these disorders.
First, is the shrinkage of blood vessels, especially small blood vessels that spread to nearly every organ system. This contraction will ultimately inhibit blood circulation can raise blood pressure. Moreover, the shrinkage will also damage the vessel itself. As a result, the organs will lack acidity and tissue damage characterized by hemorrhage and necrosis. In the worsening situation will happen accumulation of blood clotting substances in vital tissues (disseminated intravascular coagulation = DIC) which can be fatal.  DIC is one of the toughest complications of preeclampsia-eclampsia.
Second, is the increased response to pressor substances. Pressor substances may affect the contraction of blood vessel walls. Under normal circumstances, pregnant women reacted poorly to this substance. 
However, if he has a tendency preeclampsia-eclampsia, then the response to pressor substances will increase. But increased pressor substances can also be due to the side sleeping position continuously. 
Preeclampsia-eclampsia is also more likely to occur in women who previously had been having vascular disease. Especially if she is genetically predisposed to suffer from high blood pressure during 
pregnancy. For the latter, endurance and the body's hormonal factors play an important role in the onset of preeclampsia-eclampsia.Could once, it could be several times. Abnormalities of preeclampsia-eclampsia usually occurs in the first pregnancy. You see, for the first time the uterus to receive a fertilized, often leading to a series of reactions and changes that are not fair. In the reaction of multiple pregnancy, it also  also often occured. Besides the woman at first pregnancy over 35 years, are more likely to develop preeclampsia-eclampsia. Likewise, at the too young age of the mother. 
Then, if a woman who suffered from preeclampsia-eclampsia in her first pregnancy will experience the same thing when she was pregnant again? 
The answer can be no or yes. Preeclampsia-eclampsia,  when you experience it more influenced by heredity, is likely to happen again in subsequent pregnancies. Except that in this second pregnancy the 
mother's body is more receptive uterus reactions, abnormalities of course it will not arise. Another story, if preeclampsia-eclampsia in the first pregnancy because the mother is suffering from chronic high blood pressure or vascular disease. As long as the disease has not been lost, it is probable he will suffer preeclampsia-eclampsia in any pregnancy. 
Additionally preeclampsia-eclampsia in the second pregnancy that occurs when the first pregnancy had no abnormalities usually because the mother suffered from the disease.

Quick medical attention

The first step is the most sensible to see signs of preeclampsia / eclampsia is immediate to see your gynecologist. Usually the doctor will require the patient to be hospitalized to make it easier and faster 
supervised plan of action to be taken. In principle, in this treatment, the doctor will try to prevent the disease progression towards more severe.
Here some suggestion for you to have safe pregnancy while preeclamspsia is turning, read and buy it for your good pregnancy and quality giving birth baby :

Get Pregnant Healthy Formula

Pregnancy Without Pounds

The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide

7 Secrets Natural Childbirth

Now, we get back to our discussion;
However, if the treatment fails it is best to terminate the pregnancy proficiency level. The problem now is when and how, especially when pregnancy has not been quite a month. On the part of the mother's life should be spared, on the other hand is still premature fetus.
Indeed preeclampsia-eclampsia usually will heal itself after the baby is born. However, there are times when it can lead to various complications. Especially for those who experience severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. Because prolonged coma can also cause serious complications. Is a frequent complication of heart failure (Decompensatio cordis). Usually the mother so strong not weak breathing difficulties walking, lips and toes bluish. Can the mother also experienced kidney failure (renal failure) that would result in little or no kidneys produce urine. Usually urium levels in people with once high blood. Bleeding  at birth is also a serious complication. Bleeding can occur due to placental off prematurely. Or it could be because the muscles of the uterus that fails wrinkled baby and placenta after birth. Another complication that is not less sinister, is pulmonary edema and cyanosis. In this case the lungs of patients as if submerged in water, so that its function impaired. As a result, the organs of the body so that asphyxiation would eventually disrupt the body's metabolism.
For preventing this disease, which you should definitely check your pregnancy on a regular obstetrician or midwife. Besides trying to maintain the body's health and hygiene and eating nutritious foods. If at 
any time you experience excessive weight gain, especially if accompanied by swelling in go to your nearest doctor or midwife. 

Stroll Ageless "Herbs"

Stroll Ageless "Herbs"

Cheap and festive, sports road the foot no it took a lot conditions. . An important "drunk" steadily and regularly. This nature "herbs" even safe for people with arthritic, asthma, or patients cardiac though.
According to dr. Roy Walford of UCLA, one of the reasons the tribe Hunza in Pakistan can be a century old because every day they go up and down the mountain on foot as high as 500 feet (150m).

Make a slim

Foot builds mental muscles and delay the effects of aging on the brain. Because it this sport may be spelled out constitute "herbs". The most efficacious in order that ageless. Dr. Kenneth Cooper an expert aerobics, says "walk for 45 minutes at a speed of 8 km / hour is tantamount to doing aerobic exercise moderately for 30 minutes in training the cardiovascular system is effective. Amount of calories burned equal. Walk as far as 5km for one hour helps enlarge the strength muscle and eroded stockpiles of fat. Not it took much preparation, sport road-this street most a lot the result is in between all activities of sporting and may so one-only one who possibly could continue to be done end of living. It seems like more easily spoken than executed.But actually it is not. you can steal the time to do it, if you for example want to cross out the show drinking of schedules you can eat within 15 minutes of it (take a walk after waking up better than a cup of coffee), parked the vehicle about ten minutes away from the shopping center. If you've got children invite them. Create of their activity  nor the your own, it was is more better than on just sitting.

Without risks of injury

"Unlike jogging in this,  the only risk of injury is high, the foot is not at all risky," said dr. Bob Karch, director of the National Center for Health Fitness in Washington DC. Just keep in mind, you have to wear good shoes: heels, soles soft, and made of materials that allow your feet to breathe. Do not forget wearing  the foot shocks from fibers synthetic. Seems simple, but actually  walking foot involves synchronization more than 200 bones 650 muscle, and 112000 km channel blood circulation. According to the researchers "The advantage physiological this sport is  lot of once drain blood follows oxygen and nutritional vital from head until to tip of toe instead of job mild. The  weight of namely restore whole of  blood cells to the heart. Stomach breathe ,  muscles-muscles leg, calf, thighs and buttocks helps pump blood back to the heart. Circulation of blood is not smooth, due to lack of exercise, overload cardiac work. Consequently heart rate and blood pressure go up, and the risk of developing the disease is greater. " For elderly people, the kidney was also helped by the legs moving. An acupuncture point that is located exactly in the back bone ankle, relates with acid in the kidney which can cause the poisoning in the blood and participate to make the mind and body become lethargic. "Movement rhythmic and rising levels of oxygen in a brain which happen while exercising the road foot make people becomes relaxed, even capable solve a creative problem, movement can be muffle a sense of anxious," said the expert stress dr. Hans Selye.

Ten reasons

Stroll Ageless "Herbs",blinkforyou.blogspot.com
Which then you need perchance one or several causes why do you embark road events foot. Here this there are ten reason who could you make the following considerations for immediately start it:
1. You do not need anymore calculate-count anymore every calorie. Create an a woman weighty 60kg for example, runs an hour of burning 215 calories. If done four times a a week the weights you will go down approximately 7 kg within a year. There is the added bonus of a desire to keep the appetite will be braked. Exercise moderately stimulate the flow of adrenaline and it reduces appetite.
2. You will not feel guilty for not doing jogging. "Five kilometer street foot tantamount to 5 km jogging," said C. Carson Conrad executive director of the Institute for U.S. Presidency fields of Physical Fitness and Sports. Joggers as far as 1.5 km for 8.5 minutes, calories burned only 26 calories more than running the same distance for 12 minutes.

Sorry interupting, ageless is our goals, we could get living for 100 years maybe. Take a look, I have some information for you. It is good for you so you are worthy to make it real. Buy it and get it for your own good :

Longevity Dream

Anti Aging Strategies

How to be fit at 70 and Health at 100

Qiqong for Happines and Vitality
We turn back to our discussion ;

3.You prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis (brittle bone). The more healthy you, increasingly dense bones-bones your, because this sport encourages hoarding calcium on bone. On the contrary, bone you will shrink 4%, if as long a month you continued to lie down alone in bed. Exercises who loud helps prevent bone shrinkage sort of it.
4. You not will worry exposed to disturbance on elbow (tennis elbow) and knee (runner's knee,). Risk of injury to the feet the lowest among other sports. A joggers landed with 2-3 times the body weight in every step, while pedestrians only 1.5 times only. According to the American Medical Association, the risk of pedestrian injury in the back, joints and muscles is minimal. Walking foot of even safe for people with arthritic, asthma and most patients cardiac.
5. You will be less and less affected by headache. Road quickly improve supply endorphins (chemical substances natural in the body that its function reduce pain and pumping spirit of). An observations at   Florida University  in Gainsville, against they who are not exercising and pedestrians who regularly go through 2.5 to 5 km a day, showed only 10% pedestrian foot who stating experiencing a sense of anxious, whereas 50% of the them who do not exercising claimed to feel very anxious.
6. You probably will be a good friend. Road foot is an activity which with easily can be enjoyed together-together other people. "The only sport which stimulate people for chat," said Gary Yanker, author of The Complete Book of Exercisewalking. Requires a bit of concentration, walking also paves you spawn ideas and sort out the problems you are facing.
7. You do not need longer tool slimming hips, buttocks or thigh. According to dr. Michael Pollock, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the Health Center of Mount Sinai in Milwaukee, program walk that will either strengthen and shape the legs, hips and buttocks are more efficient than the way slimming tool. Every times dandle will step you train the a set of muscle, namely flexor hips and knee calf muscles, uric-veining knee and quadriceps. The sooner steps foot you, more slender your butt.
8. You may not violate restrictions to eat high-calorie foods penchant your. For example, a piece of chocolate cake beans or a bottle of sour milk (yogurt) strawberry. With walking foot during 28-minute, a number of calories which you eat it will dissolve.
9. You will enjoy relationship a better with sons-daughters and your wife / your husband . According to expert psychiatry, road foot could quickly make the face seseoerang become vibrantly elated. 61% of all participants in the study expressed a sense of anxiety, tension and fatigue as disappeared after ten weeks of exercise walking every day.
10. You could hooked. More than 75% of people resigned after 3-6 months of exercise high intensity are like running. In contrast, more than 75% of pedestrians survive do so.

Healthy Way for jogging

Healthy Way for Jogging, blinkforyou.blogspot.com
The things you need to consider when exercising on foot:

- Maintain posture in order to move more efficiently, it is head and shoved her back and buttocks slightly forward.
- Both feet should be within 5-10 cm can be achieved by driving the hips, knees, ankles, and feet to the tip of your thumb goes.
- Side rear tread heel first, with  foot wrist  slightly outwards.
- Swing your arms up to shoulder height naturally to increase the speed,
- rhythm and keeping the upper body still in harmony.
- Step widened make you run faster and thus more calories are burned in every step.
- We recommend wearing footwear. According to dr. Adnan Lees of the department of sport biomechanic at Liverpool Polytechnic in England, walking without shoes cause pressure on the soles of the feet muscles bigger. If you continue it could result in injury to the knee and ankle, even an interruption in the knees and hips.

Youth programs for older beginners:
1. Begin by walking for 15 minutes every time you exercise for two weeks, then added to 30 minutes the next two weeks. Gradually increase to 45-60 minutes a week.
2. Walks comfortably at a speed of approximately 3 km / hours (slow) or 5 km / hours (moderate) and increase to 6.5 km / hours  (fast).
3. Practice is constantly and regularly. If you feel more comfortable with a half hour instead of an hour each day for instance, do so. With 15 minutes in the morning and then 15 minutes late and 30 minutes during the day results are no different than doing continuously for an hour. But for best results, do less than 18 minutes each time you exercise. Walking exercise will be felt successful when performed on average 5 miles a day, five days a week with a speed of 8 km / h.

Fending off Criticism Recipes

Many people can not stand criticism. Expert advice is: do not get mad when criticized. Wear as a means to grow and achieve success, both in work and personal life. Believe criticism can be utilized in a more advantageous. No one can take criticism with a big smile and eyes sparkle. Although delivered with sweet words or packaged with the term 'constructive', the pop: constructive criticism, criticism remains it was spicy and pungent, piercing our self-defense, cause pain, embarrassment, incompetence, even in cases extreme, also hit the self-esteem. How best face of criticism? Experts prescribe sniper bleak below:

Do not be  anger

1. We usually tend to be emotional and unable to control ourself when facing stressful situations or      
    accused of being unresponsible. Yet according to  Dr. Peter Brill, director of the center Adult      
    Behavior  Study, all forms of  reactions such anger, tears, unwilling to back down, arguing, very
    detrimental.  We will get a negative label, too sensitive, too emotional, easily offense, even more
    wretched again,  whiny like a woman.

2. So how best act  to deal with criticism that is not unexpectedly, without emotional reaction? The
    best  attitude is directly did not react at all. Hold your response until it gets opportunity to run a
    personal      reflection. At that time you enough to say, "I'm not sure how best to respond to the
    problem. I  asked for time to think about it. "

Differing views

Men are usually able to respond to criticism better. According to Dr. Matti Gershenfeld, an American psychologist, believes that he can receive criticism because they are accustomed to receiving the first warning of coaches or fellow school sports teams. They  examine themselves then. Where's fault? What should I do to meet terms?
Instead she felt the criticism was never trained group. Then each time receiving criticism he always felt there was an error on  himself. Women always think everything is aimed at her personal. Most of them are not used to distinguish between critique and criticism of the task itself. They mix up between criticism of an action by warning against them itself. Dr. Pat Wisch director of Philadelphia's Institute of Awareness confirmed hat criticism simply reflects differing views. Superiors or co-workers who are not criticizing auto-correct right or wrong. Maybe they just  embrace different viewpoints .

Error is human

Every people sometimes do stupid, but no deliberately planned the error,  so says Dr. Wisch. The only criticism means that what we have done may  be wasted or disadvantage. Everyone should be aware that the person is  not bad for making mistakes, but only just someone who made a mistake. Once we can accept criticism as such, we will be able to get rid  of the hurt or offended then examine the contents of the criticism. We  can weigh the criticism without being influenced by emotional reactions.

Ask detailed

People often become tense and anxious when receiving criticism, so it does not capture the ultimate goal, namely evaluative measures. An assertiveness trainer, Marilyn Moyer, suggested that we ask 
explanation when receiving criticism. "Many people are afraid of being labeled cynical if it's too meticulous, so do not bother to ask detailed explanation. In fact, it can make often clear explanation issue Marilyn Moyer groups critique of three categories: appropriate, doubt, not exactly. Criticism is quite right we must accept sportsmanship and serve as our starting point changes. If you are criticized for being late submitting reports for example, do not excuses. Please be admitted frankly. "Yes, indeed I am having trouble to finish on time. But I still continue to work on it. "We do not need to strive tongue, sorry above shortcomings and instead we should never grovel itself. If we doubt whether any criticism should be carried out do not hesitate to go to the source, and ask for clarification detail. We can express the doubts to colleagues who could we rely on.

Long-term goals

Criticism is inappropriate and out of place most difficult to overcome. However, there are several ways to avoid the annoyance. One in which is "swallow" it "bitter pill" and then it does not ignored it. That approach would be easier if we focus on long-term goals. Example: the case of Sarah, tolerated the target of criticism with emphasis on Long program, the mean Sarah had to endure three more years in the study at medical school. She's a smart woman and highly motivated. After her husband died, she intends to continue the study abandonment when first married. Though she has 30 years old, and have 2 children now. She often teased fellow students and some professors. They call her "Mommy". When she protested, they added the "mom who refuse to so-called mommi ". Situation is quite disturbing the tranquility of her study. Sarah  forced to ask the advice of a psychologist. She finally realized
that the best attitude is to ignore the banter, and focus her mind on the goal of achieving a medical degree. The target later with itself will put herself  level with the mockerer.


Ability to respond to criticism is closely related with confidence. Dr.. Brill suggests that the age group 18-34 years are usually sensitive against critics, because most of them are still in stage of building identity. One way to strengthen self-awareness in the work is to collect the judgment of others about our achievements.  Informative critics about the implementation of the task is always beneficial and is a powerful motivational. No harm in asking information, as long as we do not seem hesitant or too need the approval of others for small things.
Let's face it with a positive attitude assessment. Tell the boss,"This work is very important for me. I want to cultivate in terms of my strength, and I am aware of the weak my points . Did I do  my job well? How can I improve? If your boss only gives vague answers- vague and general, Urge until she cited examples concrete.
Ask the judgment, the ability to control emotions, and respond allegations not true with a cool head, a recipe powerful way to respond to criticism. Nancy, still have not forgotten, just how sick heart when fired as resepsionist almost 7 years ago.
"They say that I'm relieved because it wants someone who can also do the bookkeeping. I will never believe it. I always thought that I was fired because as less representative they want. However, I am too embarrassed to ask my own and finally the become victims. Now, if you face such a situation, I would ask for an explanation so that I can take advantage. "

Judge yourself

Change the criticism to be an experience to learn. Ask for advice how we can handle the situation better. If company where we worked coincidence did not adopt the habit running annual evaluation of 
employee performance, does annual evaluation of the itself.We need the input to be able to function optimally. In the case of Nancy, she realized how much he developed when he learned dared to ask.
Learning brave many questions can not be separated from the sense of security in job. The more we feel sure, the easier it becomes to make use of criticism as a positive motivation to change themselves.
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses is the first step to work more effectively and productively.

Oww.. think about it, Have you ever  been criticized from around near you? How do you do to tackle all trouble occured? Don,t worry here I have some guides for you and buy it, you will love to smooth your life well rigth ?

The complete self esteem guides

Mind Mapping for Success

How to Boost Your Self Esteem

Origins of Hong Kong

Hong Kong's history as a British colony began on 20 January 1841. When the British ambassador plenipotentiary in China, Trade Superintendent Captain Charles Elliot, RN took over the Hong Kong island by force of arms on his own initiative. The place was want maketh trade concessions. Actually his actions was  also driven by a desire to restore British pride. You see, some time before Britain seized thousands of boxes of opium by Chinese in Canton. But the annexation was not popular in London and Beijing. Lord Palmerston, the foreign minister at the time of Queen Victoria, considers Hong Kong "barren island that almost no home" as a place which may not be a trading center. The forecast turned out missed, but never name Elliot already associated with Hong Kong is a success. Far from the beach or the street, the park seats no name given.
They were many names successors immortalized as the name of the building, highway or canal in the colony. Indeed, Hong Kong no longer barren island, but he became a burden for Britain to finance the army. So starting in 1988, until the return of the PRC in 1997, Hong Kong had bear 65% cost of the army. There were several army battalions British and Gurkha. Several Royal Navy ships and a squadron Royal Air Force aircraft and helicopters. Their task is to defend a land area of ??640 km square, the land border with China along the 35.2 km and thousands of miles spread over 235 coastal islands. 24th and 25th October 1860, the UK received an additional 6.06 km square area of ??New Territories, comprising the Kowloon Point and Stone Cutlers Island. The last territory addition obtained in 1898, when the British managed to  hire a part of the New Territories consists of the mainland and a small island of 234 for 99 years from 1 July 1898. Breadth  560 km square , money rent is HK $ 5,000 a year. Reason lease it is for defensive purposes. Though every Hong Kong people know that the approval was not much defense means. If you want to, China could take over the colony without a shot, simply by calling the queen of England. Local soldiers in Hong Kong is actually just to maintain internal security, usually to help the police and protect the colony against invasion of illegal immigrants. How the fate of Hong Kong after year 1997? Hong Kong is now very important for Beijing. Every year,  China gets about U.S. $ 6 billion to finance 35-40% hard money necessary to carry out the modernization program.

Speak Chinese

I love Chinese, You?

Cerebral Strokes at Young Age

My colleague is hospitalized of cerebral stroke. He is a man of 42 years of age. He had been long time complaining head pain, but he gags over and over again and got fainted that day. So he was brought to near hospital. The doctor diagnosed that blood pressure 190/120 and diabetes as sequence. Doctor says he must have further and deep treatments using CT scan. CT scan diagnosis shows the disease. Then he sent to intensive care unit and brought in sal living there for 3 days. He is awake now but defective and weakens hands and feet. His blood pressure is going to normal soon. We were surprised to hear stroke. we thought stroke attacks elderly people. Now we knew stroke could attack anybody.

Stroke is one of most seen disease in community. Death rate of stroke is high as the second death caused. Another cerebral stroke caused of trauma is hypertension. It is right the menace increasing at elderly people but young one is not missed. So we must maintain health and being diagnosis regularly. Hypertension and diabetes needs regular treatment and sustainable. Don't stop to consume medicines thought the grievances reducing.

Blood pressure and weight

Hypertension and diabetes are main caused of it. Overall regular treatments is needed weights, blood pressures, diabetes, hearts and kidneys. Hypertension is detectable, cured and to be normal but patients stops it for reducing complaints thought the doctors disallow. The results, blood pressure hikes without symptoms. Eyeball pressures is examining to detect glaucoma. Glaucoma's symptoms are eyes pain and headaches.

Cerebral stroke therapy

The disease therapy is depended on disease type and acute. It needs surgery for widen bleeding. In contrary, small bleeding needs simple treatments and 4 - 6 weeks recovery periods. The treatment is not stop. The patients continue physiotherapy. The remnant symptoms are muscle intensity disorder, talking and vision disorder. Physiotherapy requires times and patients. Regular patients treatments fell the benefits. Consuming doctors receipt is a must to lessen hypertension and diabetes. Periodical control is required by doctors.
Doctors do some advise to whom get better way of life, below some suggestions you need to check out , they are worth to you guys : 

Patients relatives are worried on doctor's surgery advise. The reason is that, the surgery is major surgery action. It could provoke side effect such as death and paralyzed. We no need to worried because hospitals are equipped by latest technology and neurologist. 
It seldom occurred non physical side effects, i.e. emotional disorder. The patient fells useless and family's member burdens. A cured father cerebral stroke patient may fells his malfunctions. The feeling is declined when the patients obtain supports and motivations. 
We need to maintain health and help people to gain better life value.

Wiser Man to be Higher Effective Main

Teaching kids under 8 years of age a new language are proud to us. We love to see our children are mastering second language. It is an achievement. Normally, adults do speaking second language take the opportunity to learn a head but sometimes less. And the result is different. Teaching something a new to early time children will impact a lot. Harder is that it"s taking a lot time and energy. The contrary is adults. We could send them more and various material of learning subject but They could experience the subject they got would vanish in year a head. Take a look on children. The subject we transferred will be last longer. The purest recipient will plant subject deep in their mind for long time.. But there are challenges to teach kids. Children are sweet. Mostly they spend a lot to time to playing, gaming and other cheerfully activities. What do you get in mind? Are you upset to begin? What do you do to take part in while they are doing their stuff? Here are some hints to help you do your job and children can do their stuff properly.

1. Ascertaining

We likely to understand kids, I mean that we know what the children actually do in their age. And being friendly tutors are being their good assistance. Do manage friendly time tables teaching along with a good time. Lets we make pleasant atmosphere. We need much children lasting attention so creates some fun learning situations. Joining combination subject and gaming modify the transferring lesson are more acceptable.

2. Fair

Children capacity are differ each one another. And it influences to creativity variety material absorbing. Be wise to the such thing. Being a fair is not a giving equal treatments to all any children but being fair is giving material verdict upon logical thinking and ages. Separates place and material are good decisions.

3. Strategy

Subject learning load factor is allowing children ages and logical thinking. The older kid is requiring a higher and complex subject.

4. Punishment

Sometimes some children are out of control because of piling up material to understand is long to solve. So as a repair treatment, give kids self introspections. Why does it happen to them. And make them to write and spell exactly what their feelings. It will build strong self improvements.

5. Reward

It is not wise we are giving them punishment but we don't give them honor to good. The act will support many things. KIds will be happy because their hard workings gains acknowledgements. And it is success hard workings should be celebrate.

6. Sustainability

We must maintain all works to long period of time. Our efforts and pain is over every time when we could make our kids more than they were. Good mind will maintain our work is life longer.

Here some advise to you, smoothing your technique in teaching your kids :

1.  Rainbow Reader Reading for Kids

2.  Groups games & Activities - technique

3.  Anyword Spelling Practice-Series

4.  Phonogram - for Kids

5.  Emotional Quetiente for Kids ( complete )

6.  Kid Work Books

Being wise and positive mind is not harming. Any work depends on the way we are acting various hard challenge wisely so good result are on our side. Always.


Every women  needs to be perfect. Woman presumes beauty is remarkable prices. Woman wants to spend much money just want to looked charming. How much money should you pay to care of smooth skin? No one could answer exactly. The answer it depends on what beauty you want to possessed. The rich will say nothing pays hundreds dollars  but how the prudent one. Women may bring differ on beauty acknowledgement definitions. Here are some tips to approach women wants.
Being good personality could  access inner beauty. Self esteem are showed in many and different ways along individual hunch interpreted words beauty itself. The suits self esteem implementation inhances overall beauty performance. Using beauty womans apparatus wisely is suitable on the sizes, colors,  and types. In the end good personality  retains inner beauty. 
Inner beauty adheres woman integrity concepts. Integrity refers to way of thinkings and characters. Inner beauty is different of modified  pretty. 

1. Beauty outside
There is no wrong, every woman indicates self balance to be pretty in and out naturally. Beauty faces is not related to cling make up.

2. Inner beauty
To get beauty inside is doing a lot of personality practices.

Simply I share here several tips for you to grow your inner beauty  :
  • Open hearts, Visibility others with magic eyes and let the love shines through you. It is seen more  behind the worn masks  and feels  beauty inside.
  • Begin each day with thoughts of thanks, appreciate any experience, including challenges
  • End each day with a relaxing every muscle in the body, ranging from head to toe let every cell, tissue, muscle, organ, relax.
  • Allow 10 minutes per day for silence, meditation, prayer, deep breathing,. Only silence yourself will relieve your mind fresher.
  • Point out the beauty of the inner-beauty, make positive statements. I'm ok, I'm worth it, I love and loved, and I believe, say it.
  • Donate time or money to help the world, help people in troubled within your surrounding.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes every day, even just roving around the house, buy something outside the house, walking helps to calm the mind, body toning, and caring for the soul.
  • Remove the judging and criticism, accept the action even though we are not perfect, we've all been trying to do the best.
  • Expand toconsume  fruit and healthy food of course.
  • Let your creativity flows, find a way to express yourself and give yourself time to awaken your creativity
  • Often smiling, smile in addition to health can also touch the lives of others, 
  • Authentic, tell the truth to yourself and others. Do the things that are unusual so definitive. Living in authenticity you are very pretty
  • Do the job a loved one, there is no job that make frowns than the job you hate
  • Maintain positive spirits, looking for communities in a mosque, church, temple, or yoga or breathing exercises. Talk to God. Allow your aura shines.
  • Positive mind.
  • Pamper the body. Facial, lip gloss if you feel beautiful, bath with your favorite scent, massage, cream bath, or whatever your favorite make your body comfortable and spoiled. But do it for yourself, not for others
  • Stare  yourself in the mirror every day and say: "I'm beautiful like me what I am"
  • Do not be evil. Do not be jealous, evil. See people who has a sense of resentment, envy, or evil things to you?? How his face must be bad right? Okay if so do good even though it was heavy .. spirit beauty.
  • Talk about inner beauty, talk regularly and frequently
To make you perfect gain inner beauty take alook what the experts and practitioners can help you in this :

Outbonnd Sport

There are alot of company bringing their staffs to remote areas such as mountain and hills, villages and camping ground. They are learning and studying while enjoying recreation. 
But the learning situation is far of formal one, which is there are alot of chairs and tables and shouting teacher in front of class.

Instead, useable methodes are  very enjoying. The location is merely out side class room. It is not surprisingly, useable teaching methodes  are adventuring and gaming.
Even, there are a lot of participants unaware of being trained. The kind activities do alot of name. Many peoples say it company outing, adventure education, team building, motivation training, outbound and soon.  I bet, you heard it didn't you ? 

It is according to mr Iwan Riswandi, a programmer and instructor of Camp Adventure Pioneer, out bound training uses outdoor challanges. Firstly it was promoted by Kurt Hahn in 1941. He is Germany  teaching public figure. At that time, Kurt Hahn was very concerned seeing low level and mentality of British junior sailor far compared to theirs senior sailor.  When the conditions is allowed for times ahead, the results is bad.

 Besides,  not only , it takes along time to create reliable sailor, but also  generation process walks slowly. Handle the problem, then Kurt Hahn created outward bound concepts. Hahn developed a training program as learning media to overview each junior sailor personal potency. Trainning program subjects are about frequent daily life case study and simulations. The Results? The hikes of junior sailors HRD improving quality. 

Experiencing the success, outward bound concepts were spreading all over the world include Indonesia. It was in 1990, Outward Bound International  authorised dealer opened branches in East Java, and it was followed the same service company. 

Though not necessarily, the majority of outbound is done in the open. The method is used on outbound experiential learning, learning from experience. This method would be more effective, if the direct participants practice. Retention (memory period) will be longer than the mere participants learn the theory in the classroom. The size of the class can also affect and borders the activity of learning.

Moreover, according to Salman M. Noer, consultant Sal and Zhem Connection, the approach of outdoor activities is considered more  accommodate for adult learning methods (adult learning). Adults like atmosphere less formal, because it can hinder the process of thinking.

"On the contrary, adults will only progress when faced with real problems. Way, problem solving skills will be honed. Relaxed atmosphere also allows the creation of new ideas," said Salman. "The game is presented in outbound indeed been structured in such a way that not only the psychomotor (physical) participants 'untouchable', but also affective (emotional) and cognitive (thinking skills). Consequently, companies that provide outbound services usually take the help of a psychologist while  develop programs and curriculums. "Advanced Iwan.

At first glance, may seem as outbound activity merely take it easy. How could I not? Exhausted, just stick around each activity a fun and enjoyable game. The conduct was in a relaxed atmosphere. However, the activity should not be underestimated this one. You see, the image is reversed relax and have fun, there are a myriad of benefits that can be derived from these outbound activity.
Among other things, can strengthen the cohesiveness among employees. Almost all outbound activities are always done in groups. To be able to complete a challenge, really need teamwork. "Together Everyone Achieves More [TEAM].

With the creation of the spirit of cooperation and a sense of common fate feelings , then solidarity would present itself. "Outbound can also eliminate the gap between long-time employee with a new employee is often the case. If the senior team and his junior were the one, would not want their 'forced' to do everything together. Which was probably in the office just to know your name, after their outbound will be more familiar, "said Salman.

Various difficulty levels in the game can also build and foster attitudes unyielding confidence (self-confidence) within the participants, especially when they successfully complete the game. Courage in facing challenges and taking risks will be established during the participant followed the outbound.
Among other benefits, outbound can hone social skills. At the time of joining a team, participants will meet and work with people who may have a different personality with him. These conditions will make the participants better appreciate the differences around them.

Some experts and practioners are working hard to create outbound ebook and others to fullfil your need. Check some information here may they are worth to you to realize :

Another benefit is the outbound follow:

Ø Improving the ability to know yourself and others.
Ø Training the mental toughness and self-control.
Ø Fostering empathy.
Ø Giving birth of a healthy spirit of competition.
Ø Improving leadership.
Ø Seeing others' weaknesses rather than as a constraint
Ø Improving the ability to make decisions in difficult situations quickly and accurately.
Ø Build confidence.
Ø Increase the sense of the needs of the importance of teamwork to achieve optimal
Ø Long-term investments

If so, what's in it for the company? Future funding is expensive, only employees who received benefits. Actually, outbound activities are long-term investment for the company because of the game in the outbound contains many 'hidden value' that can improve the quality of human resources. Precisely indirectly perusahaanlah who will reap the benefits.

For example, during the outbound compactness employees will carry over when the employee has returned to work. So in the face of challenge, they will be more solid. Of course, a conducive organizational climate as this will improve the performance of employees who can promote the company.

If an office full of intimacy, the company could expect to be the creation of improved performance and better performance, right? In our minds will be embedded that any success or failure is a shared responsibility. Have a nice trainning, I love you.

Vitamin C, the Benefits

Almost all womankind crave beauty, one beauty of skin. White skin, clean, smooth, and supple revered, besides indicating a healthy skin, it can also increase your confidence and support other aspects of life. Therefore, many women vying for beautiful skin that you want, with enggunakan various ways, such as using SPF lotion, skin care salons, to still be the current trend, the injection of serum and vitamins.
The most famous of those is laroscorbine injection, or so-called injection of vitamin C. It uses liquid injections of high doses of vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid and collagen extract. However, in general, a lot of persons who abuse their use.
The first abuse carried out by the users themselves. Many people believe that the more frequent injections will produce whiter skin. It is NOT TRUE, it will actually cause kidney stones due to deposition of crystals of vitamin C is too much that is filtered by the kidneys fail.
Laroscorbine is a vitamin that has the effect of terapitid that helps make melanin cells divide less aggressive. Melanin is the pigment grains that determine skin color (white, brown, or black). In darker skin, melanin levels more than the tawny skin. In the meantime, there are certain limits bleaching can not go further because of the level of maximum white person usually seen in color on the inside of the arm.
The second abuse carried out by medical experts or the parties are not responsible for other very very much taking advantage of the ignorance of the community. They sell services by installing inject vitamin C prices to $ 104  but ACTUALLY, serum price itself is not more than $ 3 per vial. Because land can be a profitable business, often laroscorbine is abused by those who drool at the thought of economically practical. They are no longer practiced by medical indications.
Already know the truth of injectable vitamin C?
Well, if anyone asks, why should inject? Vitamin C taken too many on the market. (Usually this is a question of a fear of needles and syringes) So, the answer is, if vitamin C is consumed through the mouth, the acid content in vitamin askrobat will be easily lost in the process of metabolism. Thus, injecting considered effectively reaching the target. Jump up to the blood vessels. However, the choice of all of them will be returned to the consumer, as the consumer himself diving.
Here I offer a vitamin C serum for skin beauty. ORIGINAL everything because I do not want to sell the KW or FALSE. You can ask your acquaintances medical expert, experienced, of course, to inject vitamin. However, if necessary, consult with your doctor first. (If I own anyway did't make consultation first, because I was healthy . My friend  who I maintain to syringe the doctor and she did not love my injector For a negative response. Said he himself had also been injected his mommy vitamin C, so she's already experiences.)
Use 1 ampoule for one injection. In my experience, if directly injected and painful because the liquid is so concentrated. Tips, better fluid viscosity decreases dissolved before that, or maybe the term 'mixtured'. It will produce the amount of fluids and take more time in the needle, but this does not hurt. My friend who I asked for help for the way I use the injector. But for more details, please ask your health care provider how to do it, they usually know more about this. Again, please ask your doctor or medical expert who is experienced.
But I am so encouraging to find and use beauty treatments of expertise suggestions.  Here are some suggestions to use :

For maximum results, for the first time, inject 2 times a month (2 weeks). After injecting 4-5 times, new commuted to once a month. After some time, may be reduced again to 3 months, or even 6 months. Usually within 4 weeks alone have seen the results.
The function and usefulness of vitamin C itself? Could find themselves in the media is information. Many know how it functions, from bone health, endurance, beauty to the skin itself. On the Internet a lot, I do not need to include them here.
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