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According to dr. Roy Walford of UCLA, one of the reasons the tribe Hunza in Pakistan can be a century old because every day they go up and down the mountain on foot as high as 500 feet (150m).
Make a slim
Foot builds mental muscles and delay the effects of aging on the brain. Because it this sport may be spelled out constitute "herbs". The most efficacious in order that ageless. Dr. Kenneth Cooper an expert aerobics, says "walk for 45 minutes at a speed of 8 km / hour is tantamount to doing aerobic exercise moderately for 30 minutes in training the cardiovascular system is effective. Amount of calories burned equal. Walk as far as 5km for one hour helps enlarge the strength muscle and eroded stockpiles of fat. Not it took much preparation, sport road-this street most a lot the result is in between all activities of sporting and may so one-only one who possibly could continue to be done end of living. It seems like more easily spoken than executed.But actually it is not. you can steal the time to do it, if you for example want to cross out the show drinking of schedules you can eat within 15 minutes of it (take a walk after waking up better than a cup of coffee), parked the vehicle about ten minutes away from the shopping center. If you've got children invite them. Create of their activity nor the your own, it was is more better than on just sitting.
Without risks of injury
"Unlike jogging in this, the only risk of injury is high, the foot is not at all risky," said dr. Bob Karch, director of the National Center for Health Fitness in Washington DC. Just keep in mind, you have to wear good shoes: heels, soles soft, and made of materials that allow your feet to breathe. Do not forget wearing the foot shocks from fibers synthetic. Seems simple, but actually walking foot involves synchronization more than 200 bones 650 muscle, and 112000 km channel blood circulation. According to the researchers "The advantage physiological this sport is lot of once drain blood follows oxygen and nutritional vital from head until to tip of toe instead of job mild. The weight of namely restore whole of blood cells to the heart. Stomach breathe , muscles-muscles leg, calf, thighs and buttocks helps pump blood back to the heart. Circulation of blood is not smooth, due to lack of exercise, overload cardiac work. Consequently heart rate and blood pressure go up, and the risk of developing the disease is greater. " For elderly people, the kidney was also helped by the legs moving. An acupuncture point that is located exactly in the back bone ankle, relates with acid in the kidney which can cause the poisoning in the blood and participate to make the mind and body become lethargic. "Movement rhythmic and rising levels of oxygen in a brain which happen while exercising the road foot make people becomes relaxed, even capable solve a creative problem, movement can be muffle a sense of anxious," said the expert stress dr. Hans Selye.
Ten reasons
Which then you need perchance one or several causes why do you embark road events foot. Here this there are ten reason who could you make the following considerations for immediately start it:
1. You do not need anymore calculate-count anymore every calorie. Create an a woman weighty 60kg for example, runs an hour of burning 215 calories. If done four times a a week the weights you will go down approximately 7 kg within a year. There is the added bonus of a desire to keep the appetite will be braked. Exercise moderately stimulate the flow of adrenaline and it reduces appetite.
2. You will not feel guilty for not doing jogging. "Five kilometer street foot tantamount to 5 km jogging," said C. Carson Conrad executive director of the Institute for U.S. Presidency fields of Physical Fitness and Sports. Joggers as far as 1.5 km for 8.5 minutes, calories burned only 26 calories more than running the same distance for 12 minutes.
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We turn back to our discussion ;
3.You prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis (brittle bone). The more healthy you, increasingly dense bones-bones your, because this sport encourages hoarding calcium on bone. On the contrary, bone you will shrink 4%, if as long a month you continued to lie down alone in bed. Exercises who loud helps prevent bone shrinkage sort of it.
4. You not will worry exposed to disturbance on elbow (tennis elbow) and knee (runner's knee,). Risk of injury to the feet the lowest among other sports. A joggers landed with 2-3 times the body weight in every step, while pedestrians only 1.5 times only. According to the American Medical Association, the risk of pedestrian injury in the back, joints and muscles is minimal. Walking foot of even safe for people with arthritic, asthma and most patients cardiac.
5. You will be less and less affected by headache. Road quickly improve supply endorphins (chemical substances natural in the body that its function reduce pain and pumping spirit of). An observations at Florida University in Gainsville, against they who are not exercising and pedestrians who regularly go through 2.5 to 5 km a day, showed only 10% pedestrian foot who stating experiencing a sense of anxious, whereas 50% of the them who do not exercising claimed to feel very anxious.
6. You probably will be a good friend. Road foot is an activity which with easily can be enjoyed together-together other people. "The only sport which stimulate people for chat," said Gary Yanker, author of The Complete Book of Exercisewalking. Requires a bit of concentration, walking also paves you spawn ideas and sort out the problems you are facing.
7. You do not need longer tool slimming hips, buttocks or thigh. According to dr. Michael Pollock, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the Health Center of Mount Sinai in Milwaukee, program walk that will either strengthen and shape the legs, hips and buttocks are more efficient than the way slimming tool. Every times dandle will step you train the a set of muscle, namely flexor hips and knee calf muscles, uric-veining knee and quadriceps. The sooner steps foot you, more slender your butt.
8. You may not violate restrictions to eat high-calorie foods penchant your. For example, a piece of chocolate cake beans or a bottle of sour milk (yogurt) strawberry. With walking foot during 28-minute, a number of calories which you eat it will dissolve.
9. You will enjoy relationship a better with sons-daughters and your wife / your husband . According to expert psychiatry, road foot could quickly make the face seseoerang become vibrantly elated. 61% of all participants in the study expressed a sense of anxiety, tension and fatigue as disappeared after ten weeks of exercise walking every day.
10. You could hooked. More than 75% of people resigned after 3-6 months of exercise high intensity are like running. In contrast, more than 75% of pedestrians survive do so.
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